5 Burning Questions About IT Outsourcing

It is true that most business leaders have reservations about IT outsourcing. It’s also true that IT outsourcing has been steadily growing in recent years and is expected to continue. What can we figure out from these facts? Software development and other IT services are becoming increasingly costly, leading companies to consider outsourcing as a viable option to reduce expenses. Bloomberg mentions that IT outsourcing can result in a 30% reduction in operational costs for companies. However, many decision-makers have concerns about the impacts and quality of outsourcing services. Therefore, in this article, we aim to demystify outsourcing so that organizations can confidently choose this strategy for 2024 and beyond. Nick Baca-Storni, CRO of InclusionCloud, an IT Outsourcing expert in North Dallas, underscores the importance of addressing these concerns and making informed decisions about outsourcing.

1. Is IT Outsourcing Still Relevant?

With technology evolving at an unprecedented rate and the demand for tech talent increasing, IT outsourcing remains vital for every business strategy. Tech job openings have grown by 81% over the past two years, but the median applicant pool has shrunk by 39%, outsourcing offers a solution to talent shortages. It allows organizations to access a global pool of skilled professionals quickly, accelerating project timelines and reducing the risk of costly hires.

2. Is Quality a Concern in Outsourcing?

Quality is a common concern when it comes to outsourcing. There’s a perception that engineers and developers hired by outsourcing companies may not be of high caliber or fully committed to projects. However, this perception is not necessarily accurate. For instance, in regions like Latin America, software developers have proven their quality. They share a time zone alignment with the U.S., possess strong English language skills, share cultural similarities, and host some of the top technical universities in the world. Additionally, Latin American talent can develop their professional careers and strengthen their financial situation by working for U.S. companies. These factors, as Nick Baca-Storni highlights, ensure a high level of quality and dedication in outsourced projects, dispelling concerns about quality.

3. Is Outsourcing Expensive?

Outsourcing can be a cost-effective strategy for organizations of all sizes. HR executives prioritize expense reduction, while CTOs value scalability, with 42% seeing quick team staffing as crucial, according to Forbes. This flexibility allows prompt adaptation. Furthermore, outsourcing taps into talent from regions with lower wages, maintaining quality while enhancing cost-efficiency. Traditional hiring processes are time-consuming, with companies spending months recruiting a single developer. These delays and replacements are costly.

However, by outsourcing, organizations can expedite their projects, reducing the risk of additional expenses and delays. Additionally, with the global shift towards remote work, teams have become more productive, making outsourcing an even more attractive option. This fundamental change in the work landscape opens doors to cost-effective talent acquisition from anywhere in the world. Nick Baca-Storni emphasizes that “organizations should think globally to find quality talent, supporting scalability while keeping costs low.”

4. What Are the Key Benefits?

The benefits of outsourcing extend far beyond cost savings. Firstly, it provides scalability, allowing organizations to quickly adjust their teams based on project requirements. Secondly, it enables companies to focus on their core business activities by delegating part of the development project (or maybe the entire project). This business strategy also helps mitigate employee burnout by distributing workloads effectively and tapping into experienced professionals. But mainly, outsourcing facilitates the recruitment of top talent globally, and its agile approach ensures faster time-to-market, resulting in lower development costs. 

5. How Can Outsourcing Be Implemented Effectively?

Organizations need to be careful when choosing partners and communicate clearly in order to fully leverage outsourcing, says Baca-Storni. It’s important to find a trustworthy partner with a track record. An organization and the outsourcing team can be in agreement by clearly defining project scopes, timelines, and deliverables. Partnerships that are successful in outsourcing require regular communication and cooperation. Businesses can take advantage of outsourcing’s advantages while reducing any possible risks by implementing these procedures.


In conclusion, IT outsourcing is a strategic imperative for organizations aiming to remain competitive in 2024 and beyond. By addressing common questions and dispelling myths, businesses can fully leverage the benefits of outsourcing, from achieving cost savings to enhancing operational efficiency. Don’t overlook the opportunities that outsourcing presents—consider it a cornerstone strategy for the future.