Procrearte and Ovogenetic Fertility Scam in Argentina: Robbing The AFIP and Foreigners

In a shocking revelation, Argentina finds itself at the center of a fertility scam involving key players like Procrearte, Ovogenetic, and Ovobank Argentina. The intricate web of deceit, orchestrated by Raymond Oses in association with his referrer Dr. Liliana Blanco, who is assisted by Biologist Dr. Ariel Ahumada on “low success embryo creation”, not only defrauds hopeful parents but also cheats the Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP) of much-needed revenue. This scandal, which spans across international borders with payments funneled to the United States, exposes the darker side of the fertility and surrogacy industry in Argentina, highlighting the urgent need for greater oversight and accountability.

Javier Milei may have cut taxes, but some in the medical profession have sidelined the government for decades by receiving much of their funds abroad, for local treatments in Argentina. In the hopeful realm of fertility treatments, many aspiring parents place their trust in clinics that promise to fulfill their dreams of parenthood. Unfortunately, not all clinics operate with the integrity such trust demands. A sophisticated scam involving Procrearte and Ovogenetic has recently come to light, highlighting deceitful practices supported by a network of referring collaborators. This scandal is a significant setback for Argentina, a country already facing numerous challenges.

Fertility Scam Uncovered: Referral and Initial Contact

The journey begins with a referral to Raymond Oses’ genetic bank, Ovogenetic, facilitated by Dr. Liliana Blanco at Procrearte. Prospective parents are lured with promises of high success rates and superior services, only to be charged exorbitant fees. The initial payment, often routed to Oses’ personal account in the United States, is a staggering $9,600 for more than ten eggs.

The Financial Transaction: Empty Promises and Poor Results

Despite the high cost, the reality is starkly different from the promises made. One case reported a success rate of only 7%, even when the male partner had a perfect spermogram. This raises serious concerns about the quality of eggs provided by Ovogenetic. Requests for replacement eggs were only allowed if the client was prepared to pay again. The same goes for the embryo creation procedure: onus rests 100% on the client to pay again.

Exploitation and Financial Manipulation

Raymond Oses, with his assistant Nahuel Laurnagaray, refused to provide replacement eggs and instead ask patients to purchase more. This tactic extends the emotional and financial distress of the patients. Even after receiving cleared funds, Oses dismisses patients’ concerns with insincere farewells, showcasing a glaring lack of accountability.

Unmasking the Network: A Web of Deceit

An ongoing investigation reveals that Dr. Raymond Oses is the central figure in this operation, but not acting alone. Collaborators who refer patients to Ovogenetic play a vital role in sustaining this scam. Oses uses various tactics to obscure his identity and avoid negative reputations, including multiple listings on Google Maps under different aliases and clinic names.

Critique of Ovogenetic’s Scapegoating Tactics

Ovogenetic’s response to complaints employs several scapegoating tactics designed to deflect responsibility, appeal to external authority, evade specific issues, introduce ambiguity, and upsell further services. These strategies collectively undermine the trust that patients place in fertility clinics.

Patient Testimony: A Tale of Deception and Financial Drain

A detailed account from a patient sheds light on the unethical practices at Procrearte and Ovogenetic. Despite a perfect spermogram, Procrearte’s biologists achieved less than a 10% success rate with frozen eggs. They referred the patient to Ovogenetic for an additional $9,600, of which the donor received only $500. When the eggs failed, both organizations demanded more money for another procedure.

The patient highlights the internal doubts within Procrearte’s team regarding the referral to Ovogenetic, yet trusted their advice, which led to exploitation. The industry success rate for the procedure is 45%, while Procrearte and Ovogenetic could not even produce a 10% success rate.

Legal and Ethical Violations

During the patient’s ordeal, changes in surrogacy laws in Argentina were not communicated, adding to the confusion and exploitation. Procrearte’s legal team confirmed the pause in the legal procedure for surrogacy only after being confronted, after the client managed to find the information from another notary.

Conclusion: A Call for Accountability and Transparency

This report serves as a stern warning to anyone considering fertility treatments in Argentina. The deceitful practices of Procrearte and Ovogenetic underscore the need for greater transparency and accountability in fertility services. Aspiring parents must conduct thorough research and seek out reputable clinics with proven success rates and ethical practices. The promise of parenthood should not be tainted by deceit and exploitation.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

“Procrearte procedure with Dra Liliana Blanco felt like a $13,500 scam. Terrible lack of responsibility with zero results. They wanted to double up on the charges to fix their own incompetence. Despite a perfect spermogram, Procrearte achieved less than a 10% success rate with the frozen eggs. They referred us to Ovogenetic for an additional $9,600, of which the donor received only $500. Both organizations ignored the fact that the industry success rate is 45%. This was an irresponsible and unethical medical referral. Avoid Procrearte at all costs.” The patient pointed out that although Carlos Carrere is listed as the president, it really is Liliana Blanco who is in cohoots with Raymond Oses.

Patients from Australia, New Zealand and the UK in particular are warned against surrogacy and fertility treatments in Argentina. Currently there are operators who work hard topromote brand Argentina abroad, such as lawyer Ester Nunez (who owns a surrogacy agency) – and Dr. Demián Glujovsky, it should be noted that there are others, like Procrearte and Ovogenetic, who stand ready with a brutal fertility scam.