Survey Reveals Over Half of Americans Have No Stock Market Experience – Offers Three Key Tips for New Investors

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A new survey conducted by reveals that a significant portion of Americans lack experience in the stock market. According to the survey, 56.9% of people surveyed have never dipped their toes into the world of investing, despite growing interest in financial markets. The survey, which included responses from 1,000 people across the United States, highlights the intimidation factor many feel when it comes to entering the stock market, with only 30.8% expressing an interest in getting started.

For individuals who find themselves intrigued but overwhelmed, George Kailas, CEO of, offers three practical tips to help beginners ease into investing. With the right approach, Kailas believes that anyone can learn the ropes and start building their financial future.

George Kailas, CEO at, is sharing three tips that he finds useful when trying to get your feet wet in the investing game!

Tip #1: Hit the Books

Just like anything, when you strip the financial world of its big words and reputation, it is a fundamental that is relatively straightforward to learn. It’s not easy, but it is doable. There are plentiful options on how to start learning about the market. From books, to news articles; podcasts to media personalities – all resources you can lean on to educate yourself and simplify the market.

Tip #2: Applying your Knowledge

There are plenty of resources for you to utilize to help you start your investing journey. There are online classes you can sign up for – some even free of charge. You can also keep up with many financial advisors who share their insights on media platforms. Additionally, you can always find assistance in a financial advisor. This can be in the form of an AI-powered platform or an in-person consultation with an advisor. The knowledge you gain from doing your own research will help you decide which resource works best for you.

Tip #3: Build a Community

Like most things in life, things are more fun when you’re doing them with people you like! The financial world is a large and diverse sector. There are people with a variety of viewpoints and ideals, investing their money in a multitude of ways. Find the people who align with you and trade stories, strategies, and advice. You can even find people online through chat rooms and social media pages such as Reddit and Discord. These platforms allow for open dialogue and the spread of useful tips and tricks in the market! 

Final Thoughts

With over half of Americans lacking stock market experience, many may feel unsure about where to start.’s survey sheds light on the growing need for accessible financial education and support as individuals look to navigate the often overwhelming world of investing. For those new to investing, the fear of making mistakes or losing money can be a major barrier. However, with a strategic approach, starting small, and gaining the right knowledge, even first-time investors can gradually build their confidence.

By following George Kailas’ three key tips—educating yourself, applying your knowledge with the help of resources, and building a community of like-minded investors—those interested in investing can overcome initial hurdles and start building their portfolios with confidence. These steps not only empower new investors but also provide a framework for developing long-term financial stability.

As more people seek to take control of their financial futures, Kailas’ practical advice offers a guiding hand for anyone ready to jump into the stock market for the first time, encouraging them to take that first step toward growing their wealth.